
Pen and square and waves

There is a way to technique as when to carve a seal character plus motif, change the motif of a part of a character.

To pen a diagonal line this time,
Square in the mouth part, I have to wave the up part.

By experience, some form or apply to a part of a character, you've got to understand.
It is a technique idea is important.

It is the result of listening to the self-indulgence of our customers:D


Coverage of the newspaper in Singapore

I made HANKO for Japanese expatriates's newspaper of Singapore.
I was asked to interview for the seal in your edge it.

Here is the link to the article of The Straits Times.


Souvenir Japanese-style

As one of the souvenir of Japan, I suggest Japanese Kanji stamp.
Kanji stamp is 420 yen per one.
Pronunciation and meaning of Kanji. Wrote in English.
It is in an oriental atmosphere you press on the card Kanji stamp.

This one is a rubber stamp of the address I created in the original. Price is higher.:D